Dayalan Punniyamoorthy Blog

Sunday, June 28, 2015

ODI-10093 : you are importing an object from another repository with the same identifier. it is forbidden.

ODI-10093 is a generic error message, when we try to import any artefact to the ODI work repository. Well there are many suggestion available but i thought let me share this KB found in oracle support portal for the benefit of all the ODI folks out there.


To avoid this problem with this particular release of the Oracle Knowledge Analytics DO NOT choose any of the following ODI repository IDs during the installation of your ODI software. If you have already installed ODI, verify that the repository IDs do NOT match any of the following:
  • MASTER REPOSITORY ID: 0,353,366,500,541,542,651
  • WORK REPOSITORY ID: 1,36,74,91,129,268,353,366,452,541,542,600,651,656,667,720,789,801,888

Friday, June 19, 2015

Cannot start the Weblogic Admin Server

Well its been a while i written a blog, thought i will share some knowledge to the world and hope it will help someone. Well let me come to fixing the issue


Couldn't start the web logic admin server, it fails with a error message 

<WebLogicServer> <BEA-000386> <Server subsystem failed. Reason: java.lang.AssertionError:

You could find lot of blogs which will ask you to change the web logic mode to development (in config.xml & setdomainENV.cmd/sh)and change all the passwords to clear text.