Dayalan Punniyamoorthy Blog

Friday, May 10, 2024

Setting User variables values for the first time using Groovy rule!

User variables function as filters within forms, allowing users to narrow their focus to specific members, like a department. Prior to linking a user variable to a form, you need to establish the user variable. When designing forms with user variables, users are required to initially designate values in preferences for the variable prior to accessing the forms. Subsequently, users can modify the variable within the form only if it's dynamic. If not, they must persist in setting the variable in preferences. For instance, if a user variable named "Cost Center" is created, users must designate a Cost Center before engaging with the form.

When users interact with a form for the first time, they set their preferred variable, such as a department or division, in their preferences. This initial selection is crucial as it helps customize their form-viewing experience.

After the initial setup, users have the flexibility to update this variable. They can either go back to their preferences and make changes there, or they can directly adjust the variable within the form itself. This flexibility allows users to adapt their form interactions based on changing needs or contexts without needing to navigate away from the form.

Overall, this approach ensures that users have control over their viewing preferences and can tailor their experience to suit their individual requirements.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

All about Vanity URLs!

Vanity URLs

 Vanity URLs offer a convenient solution for memorizing complex URLs associated with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environments. 

These customized URLs provide direct access to EPM Cloud environments via web browsersOracle Smart View for Office (version 20.200 and higher), and EPM Automate. 

To generate a new vanity URL, you can utilize third-party services such as, Bitly, Rebrandly, or TinyURL, or opt for an open-source alternative like YOURLS. When leveraging an API gateway or reverse proxy, substitute the EPM Cloud URL with the designated URL and context specified for your environment.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Multiple Rules of Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management (EPCM) using Groovy in Sequential Manner!

In this blog we will see how to run multiple Rules of Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management (EPCM) using Groovy in Sequential and proceed with the next rule only after completion the previous rule.



/*                  Run IC Calcs All Region                                                                     */

/*                  Creation Date       : 10th Apr 2024                                                  */

/*                  Version                   : 1.0                                                                    */

/*                  Modifications         :                                                                        */

/*       The Rule uses the Sub Var &CurMth, &CurYr.                                          */

/*  The Rule will be executing the following,                                                     */

/*       1. Clear for EMEA                                                                                          */

/*        2. Clear for APAC                                                                                         */

/*        3. Clear for Americas                                                                                   */

/*       4. Merge Slices                                                                                         */

/*       5. Run Ruleset Ranges:                                                                            */

/*                  Start   End                                                                                      */

/*                  1            999                                                                                   */


connectionName is a variable that stores the name of the connection to the server. In this case, it's set to 'Localhost'. This variable is later used to specify which server to connect to when making HTTP requests. 

def connectionName = 'Localhost'

Closure subVarValue = { String subVar -> operation.application.getSubstitutionVariable(subVar).value }

String CurYr = subVarValue('CurYr')

String CurMth = subVarValue('CurMth')

println "The Rule is using the Sub Var Current Year : " +CurYr +" " + "Current Month : " +CurMth