Dayalan Punniyamoorthy Blog

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What does EPM Automate Utility offer - Part 1

In this post let me cover basic features & functionalities provided by the EPM Automate Utility.

The EPM Automate Utility installer for Windows and Linux/UNIX is available from the service.

Let me cover the installation for Windows 10 64-bit OS. 

Once downloaded install it by running it as administrator.

By default, the EPM Automate Utility is installed in C:/Oracle/EPM Automate.

You can access it from the start menu,

This utility is supported on 64-bit clients of supported operating systems only.

Latest EPM automate version available as on 8th Nov 2016 -  16.10.49

It is advisable to work with the latest version 

Log in to the PBCS instance

epmautomate login serviceAdmin P@ssword1 https://test- myIdentityDomain

Log off from the PBCS instance

epmautomate logout 

Invoking help command
It will open the web page with the Command Reference.

Encrypting the password using the utility

epmautomate encrypt PASSWORD KEY PASSWORD_FILE

Using an encrypted password for log in


Upload a file to the PBCS instance

epmautomate uploadfile "FILE_NAME" [DATA_MANAGEMENT_FOLDER profitinbox]

Listing the files which are present in the PBCS repository

Lists the files in the default location, Data Management folders, and profitinbox/profitoutbox. 

This command does not list Migration snapshots.

epmautomate listfiles

Deleting the file which are present in the PBCS repository
Deletes a file or application snapshot from the default upload location, a Data Management folder, or from profitinbox/profitoutbox.

To delete a file from a location other than the default upload location, you must specify the file location.

epmautomate deletefile FILE_NAME

Export Snapshot 
Repeats a previously performed export operation to create a snapshot of Migration content. You can download the exported snapshot from the default location.

epmautomate exportsnapshot SNAPSHOT_NAME where SNAPSHOT_NAME is the name of an existing snapshot in Migration. This snapshot is replaced by the new snapshot.

Yes, first manually create a snapshot and use the same name again using the utility so it will be over written

I did create a snapshot by the name “PLDPlan_9thNov16” and used the same name to recreate the snapshot

Image showing the jobs one for manually triggered export and the other via the EPM automate

Import Snapshot

Imports the contents of a snapshot into the service instance. The snapshot you import must be available in the default upload location. Use the uploadfile command to upload a snapshot to the default location.

epmautomate importsnapshot SNAPSHOT_NAME

Imports the contents of a snapshot into the service instance. The snapshot you import must be available in the default upload location. Use the uploadfile command to upload a snapshot to the default location.

epmautomate importsnapshot SNAPSHOT_NAME

Copy Snapshot from instance

Migrates (clones) an instance by copying a snapshot from an instance (source) to the current instance (target); for example from a test instance to a production instance.


  • SNAPSHOT_NAME is the name of an existing snapshot in the source instance.
  • USERNAME is the user name of a Service Administrator of the source instance.
  • PASSWORD_FILE is the name and location of the file containing the encrypted password of the Service Administrator of the source instance.
  • URL is the URL of the source instance.
  • IDENTITYDOMAIN is the identity domain of the source instance.

Provision Report

Generates a provisioning report (.CSV file) and stores it in the default download location from where you can download it to your computer. This report contains information on the roles assigned to users and inheritance information that shows the sequence of inheritance starting with the original role that was responsible for granting the provisioned role to the user.

epmautomate provisionreport REPORT_NAME where REPORT_NAME is the name of the report file.

The List file will display the file upon successful creation of the report

User Audit Report

Generates a user audit report (.CSV file) and stores it in the default download location from where you can download it to your computer. This report contains information on the users who signed into a service instance over a specified period of time. It shows the IP address of the computer from which the user logged in and the date and time at which the user accessed the service instance.

epmautomate userauditreport FROM_DATE TO_DATE REPORT_NAME 
  • FROM_DATE indicates the start date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) of the period for which the audit report is to be generated
  • TO_DATE indicates the end date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) of the period for which the audit report is to be generated
  • REPORT_NAME is the name of the report file

The List file will display the file upon successful creation of the report

Will cover the rest of the commands in the coming posts.

Happy clouding!!!!