After the introduction to the REST API & Groovy lets explore the Planning REST API in this post.
1. Get REST API version for Planning
2. Listing all the Jobs created in the instance
Output of the program
executeJob("RULES", "ClearGLData1" , null);
Output from the Groovy Console
Output from the Job Console
Note: I had difficulties in executing a rule with a space in the rule name.The error is shown below when there is a space in the rule name.
If there is space in the rule name specify that as shown below to fix the issue.
executeJob("RULES", 'Clear GL Data' , null);
executeJob("RULESET", 'Run RuleSet' , null);
Output from the Groovy Console
Output from the Job Console
Copies data from a block storage database to an aggregate storage database or from
a block storage to another block storage based on the settings specified in a Oracle
Hyperion Planning job of type plan type map.
executeJob("PLAN_TYPE_MAP", "MapChannels" , null);
Output from the command prompt after executing the Groovy program
Output from the Jobs console for the same program
Calling the function with the needed parameters
executeJob("EXPORT_METADATA", "ExpYear", "");
Output of the job
Checking the status of the job from the job console
executeJob("EXPORT_DATA", "ExpData", "");
Output from the Grrovy Console:
Output from the Job Console from PBCS Service Instance
Note: If you notice the name of the data export file is same as the job name even if we specify a different name
cube after importing metadata into the application.
Create a job for refreshing the job and call the job via the groovy as shown below
executeJob("CUBE_REFRESH", "RefAppl", null);
Output of the program from Groovy Console
Output of the same job via the Job console
Calling the job ClearEmpBl for clearing all the empty blocks from the Plan1 from Groovy
executeJob("CLEAR_CUBE", "ClearEmpBl", null);
Output from the Groovy Console
Output from the Job Console
Make sure you have enable for Dynamic Children is done and the application is refreshed before executing the groovy program.
The Groovy function to add a member under the member "TD"
Groovy Output
Added Member "ViaGroovy"in the Entity Hierarchy under the parent "TD"
Groovy Function to fetch the application details
Output for the Groovy Program
Variables defined at the applicaiton level
Groovy function to list all the variable defined at the application level
Output of the Program
Variable for the plan Type "Plan1"
Groovy function to list variables for the Plan1 database
Output of the Program
To get the value for a particular variable
Let me end this topic related to the Planning REST API with hell lot of pictures :-), in the next series will explore the Migration and Data Management.
1. Get REST API version for Planning
Returns information about which versions are available and supported. Multiple versions might be supported simultaneously by Oracle Hyperion Planning.
This is already covered but lets see how to get the apiVersion details using Groovy.
Output of the program
2. Listing all the Jobs created in the instance
Lets create a Groovy program used to retrieve job definitions for types of jobs and the name along with how many jobs are created in the application
The below program will call the REST API
jobdefinitions to get the following,
# Number of jobs created in the Application
# Name of the and the Type (Cube Refresh/Export Data/Import Data/Export Metadata/Import Metadata/Rules/Ruleset/Plan Type Map)
Lets have a Groovy program to launch business rule created in the Calculation ManagerOutput from the Groovy Console
Output from the Job Console
Note: I had difficulties in executing a rule with a space in the rule name.The error is shown below when there is a space in the rule name.
If there is space in the rule name specify that as shown below to fix the issue.
executeJob("RULES", 'Clear GL Data' , null);
launches business ruleset. Ruleset with no runtime prompts with the default values will be supportedexecuteJob("RULESET", 'Run RuleSet' , null);
Output from the Groovy Console
Output from the Job Console
Copies data from a block storage database to an aggregate storage database or from
a block storage to another block storage based on the settings specified in a Oracle
Hyperion Planning job of type plan type map.
executeJob("PLAN_TYPE_MAP", "MapChannels" , null);
Output from the command prompt after executing the Groovy program
Output from the Jobs console for the same program
Exports metadata into a file using the settings
specified in a Oracle Hyperion Planning job of type export metadata. The file
containing the exported metadata is stored in the Oracle Planning and Budgeting
Cloud repository.
Lets have a Groovy program to call the job that exports metadata job and display the output.
Calling the function with the needed parameters
executeJob("EXPORT_METADATA", "ExpYear", "");
Output of the job
Checking the status of the job from the job console
Same function used to run the job to export data from the PBCS applicationexecuteJob("EXPORT_DATA", "ExpData", "");
Output from the Grrovy Console:
Output from the Job Console from PBCS Service Instance
Note: If you notice the name of the data export file is same as the job name even if we specify a different name
Refreshes the Oracle Hyperion Planning application cube. Typically, you refresh thecube after importing metadata into the application.
Create a job for refreshing the job and call the job via the groovy as shown below
executeJob("CUBE_REFRESH", "RefAppl", null);
Output of the program from Groovy Console
Output of the same job via the Job console
Enables you to clear specific data within input and reporting cubes. NOTE: The Clear Cube job deletes the data you specify within input and reporting cubes, but it does not delete the application definition in the application's relational tables.Calling the job ClearEmpBl for clearing all the empty blocks from the Plan1 from Groovy
executeJob("CLEAR_CUBE", "ClearEmpBl", null);
Output from the Groovy Console
Output from the Job Console
Adds a new member to the application outline in the specified dimension and plan type and under the specified parent member.Make sure you have enable for Dynamic Children is done and the application is refreshed before executing the groovy program.
The Groovy function to add a member under the member "TD"
Groovy Output
Added Member "ViaGroovy"in the Entity Hierarchy under the parent "TD"
11. Get Applications
Returns a list of applications to which the specified user is provisionedGroovy Function to fetch the application details
Output for the Groovy Program
12. Getting and Setting Substitution Variables for Planning
You can get and set substitution variables at the plan level and application level using a set of REST resourcesVariables defined at the applicaiton level
Groovy function to list all the variable defined at the application level
Output of the Program
Variable for the plan Type "Plan1"
Groovy function to list variables for the Plan1 database
Output of the Program
To get the value for a particular variable
Let me end this topic related to the Planning REST API with hell lot of pictures :-), in the next series will explore the Migration and Data Management.
Hello, could you post the string payload of when you run the business rules with parameters. I can't get it to work with parameters but the following payload does work for me