Dayalan Punniyamoorthy Blog

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Downloading the logs from the OAC Classic instance!!!

This is applicable only to Oracle Analytics Cloud - Classic

One of our Customer OAC instances went down and we raised an SR to work with Oracle, Yes you guessed right they did ask for the logs 😊

The first question on the mind since this on the Cloud and how can I get the logs from the cloud. Well, Oracle Analytics cloud (OAC) is different from Oracle Planning and budgeting cloud service (Oracle PBCS).

You can use any SSH tools to connect to the Oracle VM, I am using MobaXterm here in this demo

ssh -i private_key opc@<IP_ADDRESS>

Your IP address can be obtained from the Provisioning Service Manager (PSM)  user interface.

You can get the Private Key from the PSM and get that downloaded to your local drive needed for the login.

Once logged in you should see this screen,

After login change the user to Oracle to execute the script to collect all the logs and zip it.

To Run the diagnostic collection script
Go to directory /bi/app/public/bin/

And run the script collect_diagnostic_logs and specify the location as /tmp and the file name without any extension (it will create a .zip file)

You can see the file name created under /tmp

Now you should be able to change the permission 

Once the permission is changed you can download the file to your local machine.

Hope this was helpful until you move to from OAC Classic.

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