Dayalan Punniyamoorthy Blog

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud June 2020 update part 2

This is in continuation of Part 1 series of the June 2020 new updates for the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management.

Quick one today is the sortMember

Sorts members of Entity, Account, Scenario, and Versions dimensions and of custom dimensions. This command is useful for sorting dimension members after loading members into Planning.


You cannot use this command to sort members of Period, Years, and Currency dimensions.

 This command works only for Planning.

EPM AUTOMATE Login issue - password with ()

A quick tip on a Sunday afternoon, I was trying to login to the EPM AUTOMATE using the login command and it was failing.

I did notice that my password contains open and closed braces ( ). 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud June 2020 update part 1

I want to highlight the June 2020 new updates for the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management in this blog, yes I will be stressing on the REST API and the Groovy 😊

All the common new updates across are listed below, and I would handpick my favorites here...

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Inspirage Webinar on Epm integration agent

My presentation

ODTUG Learn from Home S E R I E S-Automating Security Management in PBCS!

Due to COVID -19, my KSCOPE 20 session was canceled. But the session was added to ODTUG Learn from Home S E R I E S-Automating Security Management in PBCS!

For those who couldn't attend I am uploading my presentation for your reference.

Happy days on the cloud!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Why its important to run the EPM Automate upgrade!

Downloading EPM Automate from the PBC/EPBC/EDMCS is not always the latest!

This came as a surprise while trying to install EPM Automate from the Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud (EDMCS) pod and trying out a command. It said the command not found

C:\Oracle\EPM Automate\bin>epmautomate importDimension FinPlan 'Cost Center' Merge EPM_Cost_Center_20200323.csv
EPMAT-7:"importDimension" is not an epmautomate command. See "epmautomate help".

The most similar commands are importmapping, importrates, importsnapshot, importbalances, importtemplate.

It said  EPMAT-7:"importDimension" is not an epmautomate command. See "epmautomate help".

So the one downloaded straight from the cloud instance is not the latest and we need to run the “upgrade” before executing any commands or if you happen to see the words IS NOT A EPM AUTOMATE COMMAND

Happy days ahead on the cloud!!