I came across a request to copy data between versions for an EPBCS application, absolutely a common request but this is for an ASO Cube. We all have done 100 times this on a BSO cube but for me, this was the first request on an ASO cube.
Let I narrate the process to copy data in an ASO cube between members of the same dimension
- Create a new rule in the calculation manager under the respective ASO cube
- You should get a screen as shown below, name the rule as needed, and proceed
Leave the dimensions which will act as the source and target to copy the data
In my case, the Year & the Version is left blank. Now drag the Formula from the Left pane and place it between the Begin & End.
The Target version is placed on the left side of the equation and the Source
version is placed on the right side of the equation.
Note: These are the available functions
Caution on using the function: @FilterSharedAndDynamic
If there are no member formulas on the members that are tagged as Dynamic Calc, the rule will run forever. So it's advised not to use the function @FilterSharedAndDynamic if the dynamic calc members that don't have member formulas.
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