Dayalan Punniyamoorthy Blog

Friday, March 24, 2017

Using Direct Page Links for Forms and Dashboards in PBCS!!!

Like we had the smartcuts in On-premise the same functionality is available in PBCS as direct page links. Let’s cover them in this blog

Straight from the documentation it says “Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud supports direct URL links that allow you to access Oracle Hyperion Planning forms and dashboards and to integrate with Oracle Sales Cloud. You can use direct page links to create a URL that points to a specific form or dashboard. If users have appropriate access permissions, they can use the URL to go directly to the form or dashboard to view or update it within Planning and Budgeting Cloud.”

To use this feature, first create a form or dashboard, and then assign access and manage users and roles. You can then set up the URL for a direct page link and communicate the URL to users.

Composite forms are not supported for direct page links.

URL Parameters
The URL includes the following parameters. For ObjectType, specify either FORM or DASHBOARD. For ObjectName, substitute the name of your form or dashboard for FormName or DashboardName. Specify a point of view using POV and a comma-separated list of members; substitute your own member names for M1 and M2.

  • virtualhost - PBCS Instance url (eg:
  • Direct=True
  • ObjectType=FORM or DASHBOARD
  • ObjectName=FormName or DashboardName
  • POV=M1,M2

The direct page link servlet requires authentication. Users must log on to gain access to the target page. After logon, users are redirected to the target page. If a user has already logged on, the target page is immediately displayed without requiring logon.

URL Pattern

Forms – use this direct page link URL pattern:

Dashboards – use this direct page link URL pattern:

I will be opening the Form "05. Fixed Cost Budget" using the direct link page. 

URL for opening the above form is

All spaces need to represent as %20

That's it for now,Happy days with PBCS!!!


  1. Can we make the POV members dynamic instead of hard coded ??
