Dayalan Punniyamoorthy Blog

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A Deep Dive into FlexibleDataGridDefinitionBuilder and DataGridDefinitionBuilder!

In the world of Oracle EPM Cloud, data grids serve as the backbone for interacting with multidimensional datasets. Whether you're querying data or preparing it for analysis, the choice of grid definition builder can significantly impact your productivity and script efficiency. Oracle EPM Cloud provides two main tools for constructing these grids: DataGridDefinitionBuilder and FlexibleDataGridDefinitionBuilder.

In this blog, we’ll explore these two builders, dissect their features, and help you decide which one suits your needs. Along the way, we’ll cover best practices, showcase example scripts, and highlight why the flexibility of the FlexibleDataGridDefinitionBuilder often makes it the preferred choice for modern Oracle EPM applications.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Automating Multiple Data Push in Oracle Cloud EPM Using Groovy Business Rules!

In Oracle Cloud EPM, Groovy scripting has become a powerful tool for automating business processes, ensuring real-time validations, and enhancing interactivity. This blog explores a practical use case where a Groovy business rule dynamically sets substitution variables and validates Data Maps before executing Smart Push operations.

The rule also demonstrates on using runtime prompts (RTPs) to set values for Substitution Variables, validate Data Map existence, execute Smart Pushes for specific members, and log user execution details.

Friday, May 31, 2024

User Audit Report (v2) Detailed Overview

 User Audit Report (v2) Detailed Overview


The User Audit Report (v2) REST API generates a detailed audit report of user activities within a specified environment and timeframe. This report is crucial for monitoring user access and activities, ensuring security, and maintaining compliance.


Oracle Cloud Application Update Readiness!

In this blog lets explore the Oracle Cloud Application Update Readiness. It provides comprehensive information on the latest updates for Oracle Cloud Applications. Here are the key components explained in detail:

1. Feature Listing Report

Oracle publishes a Feature Listing Report that is updated monthly. This report includes:

  • New Features: Details about the latest features available in Oracle Cloud Applications.
  • Implementation Dates: Information on when these new features will be available or become mandatory.
  • Optional Features: A timeline of when optional features will be automatically enabled if not already activated by the user.

All about During daily maintenance!!!

All about During daily maintenance!!!

During daily maintenance in Oracle EPM Cloud, the system creates a maintenance snapshot, applies patches, adjusts configurations, and analyzes activities to generate an Activity Report. The environment is then rebooted, with initial access limited to Service Administrators. Certain operations are restricted during this period, especially for processes like Planning and Financial Consolidation. Maintenance usually starts between 10:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. local time and a 15-minute notice is given before maintenance begins. The process typically takes less than an hour.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Find and Download Files from an Oracle EPM Cloud Environment!


Find and Download Files from an Oracle EPM Cloud Environment

In this Blog lets see the example script to automate the process of downloading files from an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environment using a text string as a wildcard.

This script matches the string specified in the FILENAME parameter with file names displayed using the listfiles command, then automatically downloads the matching files.

Ensure you set the appropriate search string to the FILENAME parameter. For example, FILENAME="Scheduler Output/epm" will match file names containing "Scheduler Output/epm" in the listfiles command output, identifying the files to download.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Automation PowerShell Script to invoke EPM Automate commands!

Lets have a detailed walkthrough of the PowerShell script detailing its purpose and functionality. The script is designed to perform several tasks: logging into the EPM, run the Data Management Integration rule, download the generated extract created by the integration rule, download the data file & then logout from the EPM instance.

Friday, May 24, 2024

All About Clear Cube & Merge Data Slices!

 In this Blog post we will explore the Clear Cube & Merge Data Slices option in Planning and can be leveraged to EPCM applications using the REST API & Groovy

Clear Cube

The Clear Cube can be accessed from the Simplified Interface. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Running EPCM Calculation Manager rules in sequential and Data Management rules as a child job using Groovy!

In this blog we will see how to run the EPCM (Enterprise Performance Management Cloud)  Calculation Manager rules using groovy in a sequential manner also invoking Data Management rules as child jobs using the jobFactory.

Groovy script is fetching substitution variable values from an operation's application and printing them. Here's a detailed explanation along with the provided script: 

subVarValue is defined to fetch the value of a substitution variable from the application.

Also Sets the connection name, which is already predefined for the REST API to work. 

def connectionName = 'Localhost'

Closure subVarValue = { String subVar -> operation.application.getSubstitutionVariable(subVar).value }

String CurYr = subVarValue('CurYr')

String CurMth = subVarValue('CurMth')

println "The Rule is using the Sub Var Current Year : " +CurYr +" " + "Current Month : " +CurMth

Friday, May 10, 2024

Setting User variables values for the first time using Groovy rule!

User variables function as filters within forms, allowing users to narrow their focus to specific members, like a department. Prior to linking a user variable to a form, you need to establish the user variable. When designing forms with user variables, users are required to initially designate values in preferences for the variable prior to accessing the forms. Subsequently, users can modify the variable within the form only if it's dynamic. If not, they must persist in setting the variable in preferences. For instance, if a user variable named "Cost Center" is created, users must designate a Cost Center before engaging with the form.

When users interact with a form for the first time, they set their preferred variable, such as a department or division, in their preferences. This initial selection is crucial as it helps customize their form-viewing experience.

After the initial setup, users have the flexibility to update this variable. They can either go back to their preferences and make changes there, or they can directly adjust the variable within the form itself. This flexibility allows users to adapt their form interactions based on changing needs or contexts without needing to navigate away from the form.

Overall, this approach ensures that users have control over their viewing preferences and can tailor their experience to suit their individual requirements.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

All about Vanity URLs!

Vanity URLs

 Vanity URLs offer a convenient solution for memorizing complex URLs associated with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environments. 

These customized URLs provide direct access to EPM Cloud environments via web browsersOracle Smart View for Office (version 20.200 and higher), and EPM Automate. 

To generate a new vanity URL, you can utilize third-party services such as, Bitly, Rebrandly, or TinyURL, or opt for an open-source alternative like YOURLS. When leveraging an API gateway or reverse proxy, substitute the EPM Cloud URL with the designated URL and context specified for your environment.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Multiple Rules of Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management (EPCM) using Groovy in Sequential Manner!

In this blog we will see how to run multiple Rules of Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management (EPCM) using Groovy in Sequential and proceed with the next rule only after completion the previous rule.



/*                  Run IC Calcs All Region                                                                     */

/*                  Creation Date       : 10th Apr 2024                                                  */

/*                  Version                   : 1.0                                                                    */

/*                  Modifications         :                                                                        */

/*       The Rule uses the Sub Var &CurMth, &CurYr.                                          */

/*  The Rule will be executing the following,                                                     */

/*       1. Clear for EMEA                                                                                          */

/*        2. Clear for APAC                                                                                         */

/*        3. Clear for Americas                                                                                   */

/*       4. Merge Slices                                                                                         */

/*       5. Run Ruleset Ranges:                                                                            */

/*                  Start   End                                                                                      */

/*                  1            999                                                                                   */


connectionName is a variable that stores the name of the connection to the server. In this case, it's set to 'Localhost'. This variable is later used to specify which server to connect to when making HTTP requests. 

def connectionName = 'Localhost'

Closure subVarValue = { String subVar -> operation.application.getSubstitutionVariable(subVar).value }

String CurYr = subVarValue('CurYr')

String CurMth = subVarValue('CurMth')

println "The Rule is using the Sub Var Current Year : " +CurYr +" " + "Current Month : " +CurMth

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Groovy Rules Calling Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management Rules using REST API!

Using the Groovy script we can invoke the following REST API provided by an Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management system.

  • Calculate Model - Runs the calculation on a given point of view in a selected cube.
  • Clear Data By Point of View - Clears the data for a given point of view in a selected cube.
  • Copy Data by Point of View - Copies data from a source to a destination point of view in a selected cube.
  • Delete Point of View - Deletes the data associated with a point of view from the calculation cube.
  • Generate Model Documentation Report - Generates an Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management Model Documentation report. Any validation failures are written to file with file name provided in the parameters and can be accessed from Inbox/Outbox Explorer.
  • Validate Model - Automates the calculation process for validating a model. Any validation failures are written to file with file name provided in the parameters and can be accessed from Inbox/Outbox Explorer.
  • All this are asynchronous call, so use the job status URI to determine whether the operation is complete. For running all the above REST API Required Roles is Service Administrators.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

A Customized data extract along with Process ID & Date it was ran using the Data Integration!

The requirement is to extract data from an ASO Cube from a EPM Cloud application to a .csv file, while also including the Process ID and the extraction date from the TDATASEG table.

I will not cover the steps to extract data from ASO cube, we will see how to extract the Process ID and the date it was ran using the TDATASEG_T.

The TDATASEG table serves as a repository for both the data provided by users and the transformations applied during the mapping process, capturing the relationships between original source dimension members and their resultant mappings. During the process it involves transferring data to the TDATASEG table from the staging table TDATASEG_T followed by the deletion of data in the TDATASEG_T table.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Issues and fix - Loading MS SQL data using EPM Integration Agent!

At a high level we know to connect to SQL Server using JDBC in the EPM Integration Agent, you need to follow these general steps:

Download the JDBC Driver: First, you need to download the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server from the official Microsoft website. Make sure to choose the appropriate version of the driver that matches your SQL Server version and Java version.

Install the JDBC Driver: Once downloaded, extract the JDBC driver files from the downloaded package and place them in a location accessible to your EPM Integration Agent. This could be a directory on your system or within the EPM Integration Agent's installation directory.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Groovy rule to perform an action depends on the selected Scenario in the RTP!

This time, A different scenario was accomplished using the Groovy by one of my teammates. I thought of sharing here.

The requirement is to populate the Long-range planning and the rule will perform an action if the OEP_Plan (budget) is selected in the RTP and a different action if OEP_Actual (actual) is selected in the RTP.